Community Profile

Donna, TX

Donna is located in “the heart of the valley” in south Texas in Hidalgo County . As of the 2010 census, the city maintains a population of 15,798. The city has a land area of 8.29 square miles, with 1,905.4 persons per square mile. Donna is a predominantly Hispanic community, with 92.3% of residents claiming Hispanic or Latino origin. Additionally, the majority of the population (82.4%) speaks a language other than English at home. The median household income is $25,439.

The average travel time to work for Donna residents is 23.8 minutes. The city has 5,229 individuals in the work force and has an unemployment rate of 4.8%. The industry with the highest number of establishments is retail trade, followed by healthcare. Service, sales and office, and natural resource/construction/maintenance occupations are the primary occupations for workers in Donna.

Population Breakdown

Group Donna Hidalgo County
Population 15,798 774,769
Current population estimate 16,274 797,810
Persons under 5 years 10% 9.7%
Persons under 18 years 34.2% 34.4%
Persons 19-64 years 42.9% 46.4%
Persons 65+ years 12.9% 9.5%
Median Age 29.3 years 27 years
Female Persons 52.6% 51.2%


Ethnic Distribution

Group Donna Hidalgo County
White persons 86.4% 97.2%
Black persons 0.4% 0.8%
Other 0.5% 1.5%
Persons Reporting two or more races 1.5% 0.4%
Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin 92.3% 90.7%
White persons not Hispanic 7.3% 7.7%


U.S. Census Bureau

Ten Year Sales Tax Reporting


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